Written by : Angga Surya Saputra
158 pages (xvi+ 142 pages). ; 12 x 18 cm
Transferral of Islamist Radicalism: The Case Study of Radicalisation Among Islamic Extremists
The emergence of non-state actors fi ghting in the name of certain identities has indicated the transformation of war. It is now no longer fi ghting on behalf of interest but identity. Th e most obvious example of this conversion is the rise of Islamist radicalism across the world, including Indonesia as the largest Muslim nation in the world. Radical Islamic ideologies have proliferated widely in the country, evidenced by the considerable increase in acts of violence with Islamic motivations.
Trea ting radicalisation as a communication process, this study analyses radical Islamic intellectuals and clerics as eff ective sources of radicalisation, as well as radical ideology under vi | Transferral of Islamist Radicalism the name of jihad as the message conveyed. In addition, this study identifi es dakwah through face-to-face teaching, books, and online systems as the three dominant channels used, as well as Islamic knowledge seekers as favourable receivers of radicalisation.
Rp 50.000
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